Widget + JS Auth

You can identify guest users in the Widget with only a few lines of code, all you need is a name and email. If you're using anonymous authentication then you can the email is optional (but still recommended).

Note: You can only identify guest or anonymous users. If the email is already associated to registered user they will be asked to login.

After a user has been identified, any interaction e.g. votes, comments, ideas, will be automatically associated to them.

Code Sample

<!-- Frill Widget (https://frill.co) -->
  window.Frill_Config = window.Frill_Config || [];
    key: 'YOUR_WIDGET_KEY',
    callbacks: {
      onReady(widget) {<br>        widget.identify( email: 'email@domain.com', name: 'my user' })<br>      }<br>    }
<script async src="https://widget.frill.co/v2/widget.js"></script>
<!-- End Frill Widget -->

More Examples

Check out our full example on how to use the widget identify api.

See all our widget api examples here

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